Summer is right around the corner and you'll have more time to spend on your pets!
Here's a list of harmful and/or toxic foods for dogs
Onions/Garlic: These contain a toxic ingredient called Thiosulphate. This is a toxin that can build up in the system as a poison. In large doses it can be fatal.
Chocolate: Theobromine: compound that is a cardiac stimulant and a diuretic.
Grapes: Unknown substance: Affects canine's kidneys
Raisins: Same as Grapes
Most fruit pits and seeds: Cyanogenic Glycosides: results in cyanide poisoning
Macadamia Nuts: Unknown substance toxic to dogs
Bones/Rawhide Treats: Potential to splinter and cause laceration of the digestive system and/or can become lodged in your pet's throat
Potato Peelings/Green Potatoes & Green Tomatoes/Rhubarb Leaves: Contains Oxalates, which can affect the digestive, nervous and urinary systems
Yeast Dough: produce gas and swell in your pet's stomach, leading to rupture of the digestive system
Broccoli: Large quantities toxic
Coffee, Coffee Grounds, Tea, Soft Drinks: Dangerous due to the caffeine
Beer/Wine/Alcohol: Could lead to coma or death
Human Vitamins: Iron especially can cause damage to the lining of the digestive system as well as cause kidney and liver damage
Moldy/Spoiled Food: ( I think this goes without saying)
Persimmons: Intestinal Blockage
Raw Eggs/Raw Fish: May cause salmonella poisoning
Salt, Baking soda, Baking powder: In large amounts these can cause an electrolyte imbalance--severe electrolyte imbalances can lead to muscle spasm or even congestive heart failure
Mushrooms: Contain toxins which could cause liver and kidney damage
Sugar Free Foods: Xylitol has been found to cause liver failure in some dogs
Nutmeg: can cause tremors, seizures, and central nervous system damage
Excessive Fatty Foods: Can cause Pancreatitis
Avocado: All parts are toxic to dogs
Dairy Products-Normally dairy products don't pose a threat, but many have high fat content and many are lactose intolerant-some pets more than others. Lactose intolerance leads to gas and diarrhea, although small amounts of yogurt and cheese are usually fairly well tolerated.
-Jen( got this from a pet md website)